MARÁKEŠSKÁ DEKLARÁCIA: Ako pripraviť pôdu v Európe pre milióny Afričanov

Na 5. euro-africkej ministerskej konferencii o migrácii a rozvoji v Marákeši, ktorá sa konala 2.5.2018, bol prijatý zásadný dokument. Jeho obsah naše médiá nekomentovali.

Politická deklarácia priamo naväzuje na rezolúciu Európskeho parlamentu, ktorá bola odsúhlasená 18.4.2018 a o ktorej sme vás už informovali. Zjednodušene povedané, pripravuje sa lavína migrantov z Afriky, podporená legislatívou na európskej aj národnej úrovni.

Dá sa očakávať, že podobné dokumenty budú podpísané aj s ďalšími krajinami, ktoré sú zdrojom migrantov, hlavne z oblasti Blízkeho a Stredného východu.


Podľa ministra zahraničných vecí Maroka Nasser Bourita sa má stať „migrant ústredným hráčom euro-afrického priestoru„.

Minister tvrdí, že migrácia nie je len nevyhnutná, ale je to aj globálna otázka, sociálna a štrukturálna skutočnosť. Myslí si, že je to príležitosť pre oba kontinenty.

Migrácie tu vždy budú. Naďalej budú rásť, pričom v najhoršom prípade nepravidelne, v najlepšom prípade bezpečným, riadnym a pravidelným spôsobom,“ povedal minister.

Poznamenal, že partnerstvo musí byť založené na vnútrokontinentálnej a medzikontinentálnej solidarite.

Predstavil víziu marockého kráľa Mohammed VI. Ten ako vodca Africkej únie (AÚ) pri otázke migrácie navrhol na 30. summite AÚ „Africký program o migrácii„. Program predstavuje vyvrcholenie prístupu, ktorý považuje migráciu za páku pre spoločný rozvoj.

Program odporúča zriadenie afrického monitorovacieho strediska pre migráciu s cieľom rozvíjať pozorovanie a výmenu informácií medzi africkými krajinami a podporovať kontrolované riadenie migračných tokov, dodal Bourita.

Výstupom konferencie, ktorá je súčasťou tzv. Rabatského procesu je spomínaná deklarácia. Informácia o konferencii je uvedená na stránke Európskej komisie. Rabatský proces je platforma zameraná na uľahčenie výmeny a spolupráce medzi partnerskými krajinami na migračnej trase v severnej, západnej a strednej Afrike a v Európe.

Na konferencii sa zúčastnilo 58 ministrov zahraničných vecí z Európy a Afriky, spolu so zástupcom OSN a komisárom EÚ pre migráciu, vnútorné veci a občianstvo Dimitrisom Avramopoulosom.

Stránky potom prinášajú aj plný text Marákešskej politickej deklarácie (Dokument si môžete stiahnuť aj od nás)

Edit 2.12.2018:

Dokument sme neskôr preložili a plný text dokumentu si môžete prečítať v slovenčine. V tejto súvislosti je dobré si uvedomiť, že dokument je pokračovaním procesu, ktorý bol definovaný v Agende 2030. A tento dokument je dnes základom činnosti vlády Slovenskej republiky. V článku o migrácii ako dôležitej časti Agendy 2030 sme napísali:

Slovenská vláda vytvorila orgán, ktorý bude presadzovať medzinárodné záväzky vyplývajúce z programu OSN Agenda 2030. Súčasťou tohto programu je aj presadenie migrácie.

V roku 2015 bol na pôde OSN prijatý program Agenda 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. Slovensko pripojilo svoj podpis k tomuto programu a súhlasilo, že ho bude presadzovať. Následne slovenská vláda vytvorila uznesením vlády SR č. 350 z 24. júla 2017 Radu vlády SR pre Agendu 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj. Táto Rada zabezpečí, že otázka udržateľného rozvoja sa stane integrálnou súčasťou všetkých verejných politík. Jej prvé zasadnutie sa konalo dňa 12. decembra 2017. Štatút tejto Rady spomína presadenie Agendy 2030 ako celku, t.j. vrátane migračnej politiky.

Pracovným orgánom Rady vlády SR pre Agendu 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj je Pracovná skupina pre implementáciu Agendy 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj a prípravu Národného investičného plánu Slovenskej republiky na roky 2018 – 2030. V pracovnej skupine zasadajú zástupcovia analytických jednotiek ministerstiev a predstavitelia zainteresovaných aktérov na expertnej úrovni. Rovnako ako pri Rade vlády, aj štatút Pracovnej skupiny spomína presadenie Agendy 2030 ako celku, t.j. vrátane migračnej politiky.

Takže si to zhrňme – vláda sa zaviazala presadiť Agendu 2030. Súčasťou programu Agenda 2030 je aj podpora migračnej politiky, resp. mobility. V bode Cieľ 10.7 tejto Agendy sa píše: „Uľahčiť systematickú, bezpečnú, pravidelnú a zodpovednú migráciu a mobilitu ľudí, a to aj prostredníctvom implementácie plánovaných a dobre manažovaných migračných politík

Dokument podpísalo Slovensko, rovnako ako všetci účastníci, okrem maďarského ministra zahraničných vecí Szijjárta. Podľa neho je  „extrémne promigračný a odporuje záujmom Maďarska aj Európy„. Pritom kritizoval premenu Rabatského procesu z programu na zastavenie migrácie na program, ktorý otvorene migráciu rozvíja a podporuje.

Parlamentní listy prinášajú genézu celého procesu.

Rabatský proces je medzinárodná organizácia združujúca Európsku úniu, jej členské štáty a štáty Hospodárskeho združenia západoafrických štátov (ECOWAS). Založená bola v roku 2006 na Ministerskej konferencii euro-afrického dialógu o migrácii a rozvoji. Teraz sú členmi krajiny z Európy a z Afriky. Samostatné kreslo má v orgánoch aj Európska komisia, ktorá zastupuje EÚ.

V počiatkoch svojej existencie sa organizácia zameriavala predovšetkým na výmenu skúseností v oblasti boja proti nelegálnej migrácii a ochrane hraníc. Vtedy najmä krajiny, ktoré sú zmluvnou stranou Schengenskej dohody o voľnom pohybe osôb v Európe, podporovali opatrenia proti nelegálnemu prekračovaniu európskej vonkajšej hranice.

Za týmto účelom boli africkým krajinám poskytované peniaze, rovnako ako aj materiálna a výcviková podpora, ktoré mali ich orgány podporiť v boji proti pašovaniu ľudí. Neskôr pribudli aj programy na podporu migrácie a rozvoj mobility. EÚ na tieto aktivity prispieva z Európskeho rozvojového fondu.

V tejto oblasti bola prelomová Ministerská konferencia v maltskom mesta La Valeta v roku 2014. Teda rok pred vypuknutím tzv. „Migračnej tsunami„.

Na tejto konferencii bolo prijatých viacero dokumentov, ktoré vyjadrili podporu legálnej migrácii a sťahovaniu Afričanov do Európy. V tomto roku bola tiež nadviazaná spolupráca s Medzinárodnou organizáciou pre migráciu (IOM), ktorá je jednou z dcérskych agentúr OSN.

Ministerská konferencia v La Valete prijala Rímsku deklaráciu a program pre roky 2015-2017. V ňom označila za prioritné oblasti dve témy.

Už nielen „Programy prevencie a boj proti nelegálnej migrácii a súvisiacim trestným činom“, ale tiež „Posilnenie väzby medzi migráciou a rozvojom„.

Zástupcovia vlád sa v deklarácii prihlásili k politike prispôsobenia sa globálnemu prístupu k migrácii a mobilite. Čo je iniciatíva vyplývajúca z IOM, ktorá je v diplomatickom kóde označovaná ako GAMM. Ide takisto o súčasť programu Agendy 2030 OSN.

Maďarsko odmieta nekontrolovaný príval migrantov

Túto premenu organizácie a jej politiky maďarský minister zahraničných vecí Peter Szijjártó na konferencii v Marákeši kritizoval.

Rabatský proces sa odklonil od svojej pôvodnej cesty. Pôvodným cieľom procesu v Rabate bolo zastaviť tok migrantov z Afriky do Európy prostredníctvom rozumného využívania európskych prostriedkov. Teraz prejednávané dokumenty tejto organizácie sa naopak snažia ďalej inšpirovať k migrácii a vytvoriť nové migračné cesty. Namiesto sústredenia sa na to, ako migráciu úplne zastaviť,“ vyhlásil v Marakéši minister Szijjártó, ktorého citoval informačný server maďarského časopisu Figyelö.

Maďarský minister odmietol novú politickú deklaráciu aj akčný plán na ďalšie dva roky podpísať s tým, že oba dokumenty „odporujú záujmom Maďarska i Európy“.

Po prílete z konferencie minulý piatok minister oznámil novinárom, že podľa analýzy, ktorú si nechala maďarská vláda spracovať „Európska únia praktiky prevzala pozíciu, ktorú predtým deklarovali len niektoré africké vlády. Táto pozícia vychádza z predstavy, že migrácia je motorom hospodárskeho rastu, základom globálnej prosperity,“ konštatoval maďarský minister.

Inštitúcie EÚ podľa neho migráciu považujú za proces, ktorý by mal byť riadený a organizovaný skôr než zastavený.

Európska komisia a vysoká predstaviteľka EÚ pre zahraničnú a bezpečnostnú politiku vytýčením tejto pozície, ktorá nikdy nebola riadne schválená ani v Európskej rade ani v Rade ministrov, ukázala, že sa vzdala záujmov svojich občanov a ignoruje bezpečnostné riziká migrácie,“ varoval Szijjártó.

Vo vyjadrení, v ktorom zdôvodnil odmietnutie podpisu dokumentu, uviedol, že ide o postoj celej maďarskej vlády, ktorý bol schválený aj príslušnými orgánmi Parlamentu. „Nebudeme spoluvinníkom a budeme pevne kritizovať európsky zámer zmeniť zloženie populácie kontinentu,“ povedal Szijjártó.

Reakcia Slovenska

Po konferencii, kde je na deklarácii aj podpis slovenského ministra, stránky Ministerstva zahraničných vecí informovali tak, že – neinformovali.

Pritom ide o absolútne kľúčovú záležitosť, kde sa slovenská vláda jednoducho prihlásila k výmene obyvateľstva, ktorá nastane v ďalších rokoch na európskom kontinente.

Pritom samotná deklarácia obsahuje od 4.strany už aj akčný plán na roky 2018 až 2020.

V deklarácii sa síce hovorí tiež o prevencii a boji proti nelegálnej migrácii a pašovaniu ľudí. Avšak bez prijatia konkrétnych záväzkov alebo opatrenia proti týmto javom.

Naopak na celkovo šiestich z ôsmich strán textu je múdrymi diplomatickými frázami vyjadrovaná podpora legálnej migrácie z Afriky do Európy. Podľa politického vyhlásenia účastníci konferencie dokonca považujú migráciu za jeden zo zdrojov ekonomického rozvoja a rastu.

Globálny kompakt pre migráciu

Účastníci konferencie – s výnimkou Maďarska – vo vyhlásení vyjadrujú podporu dokumentu „Agenda pre udržateľný rozvoj 2030„, ktorý bol vypracovaný na pôde OSN v rámci Úradu vysokého komisára pre utečencov (UNHCR). Podľa uznesenia Valného zhromaždenia OSN o Agende 2030 je teraz na pôde UNHCR pripravovaný „Globálny kompakt pre migráciu„. Zatiaľ sa o ňom jedná na diplomatickej úrovni a bez kontroly národných parlamentov.

Podstatou „Globálneho kompaktu o migrácii“ je nahradenie nelegálnej migrácie cez hranice migráciou legálnou.

Zmluvné strany by sa v Kompakte mali zaviazať k tomu, že odbúrajú prekážky brániace v migrácii nielen utečencom postihnutým vojnou alebo politicky prenasledovaným, ale aj ekonomickým migrantom. Teda tým, čo sa len presúvajú „za lepším“ do vyspelých krajín s rozvinutými systémami sociálneho zabezpečenia.

Podľa informácií, ktoré z rokovania o Kompakte unikli, by sa signatárske štáty v podstate mali vzdať ochrany vlastných hraníc a štátnej kontroly migrácie v prospech UNHCR a mimovládnych neziskových organizácií, ktoré sa zaoberajú migráciou.

Ich „pozitívnu“ úlohu vyzdvihuje aj dokument podpísaný v Marákeši slovenským ministrom. Vo vyhlásení sa okrem toho uvádza, že na tvorbe právnych predpisov týkajúcich sa migrácie by sa okrem štátnych orgánov mali zúčastniť aj organizácie združujúce a zastupujúce samotných migrantov a utečencov.

Ministerská deklarácia z Marákeša tiež vyzýva k organizovaniu pravidelnej „riadnej migrácie“ z afrických krajín do Európy. Najmä mladých ľudí a žien.

Na mnohých miestach sa Akčný plán hlási k podpore takej mobility. Od podpory rôznych stáží Afričanov v Európe, cez študentské pobyty až po zapojenie na trhu práce. Signatárske štáty sú v ňom vyzvané k úprave vízového režimu tak, aby tieto typy migrácie viac podporili.

Dokument sa zaoberá viac ochranou práv migrantov než bojom proti migrácii. Ochrane migrantov a utečencov je dokonca venovaná osobitná časť dokumentu. Štáty sú v nej vyzývané, aby sa buď pripojili, alebo riadne dodržiavali Ženevský dohovor o utečencoch. Osobitný dôraz je vo vyhlásení kladený na to, aby štáty upustili od právneho postihovanie nelegálneho vstupu do krajiny.


Plný text Marákešskej politickej deklarácie v angličtine

Marrakesh Political Declaration

WE, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, of the Interior, of Integration, in charge of Migration and high
representatives of the following countries:, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, BENIN, BULGARIA, BURKINA FASO,
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and
Citizenship; and high representatives of the Economic Community of West African States
Commission ; and Algeria and Libya as observer countries;

MEETING the 2nd May 2018 in Marrakesh, at the invitation of the Kingdom of Morocco;

ACKNOWLEDGING the growing relevance of migration issues at the global level in general, and in
Euro-African and Intra-African relations in particular, as well as the need to identify adapted and
coordinated responses for the management of migration flows in all their aspects;

RECALLING the commitments made by the Rabat Process partners in the framework of the 2006
Joint Africa-EU Declaration on Migration and Development, the 2014 Africa-EU Declaration on
Migration and Mobility, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United
Nations in 2015 in which States pledged to “leave no-one behind”, the New York Declaration for
Refugees and Migrants adopted the 19th September 2016 by the United Nations, the United Nations
Declaration of the High-level Dialogue on International Migration of 2013, and the Political
Declaration of the 5th African Union – European Union Summit of 2017 ;

REAFFIRMING the commitments made by the Rabat Process partners at the Valletta Summit on
Migration in November 2015 and the Senior Officials’ Meeting of Valletta in February 2017, as well as
their adherence to the principles of solidarity, partnership and shared responsibility in the joint
management of migration issues in full respect of human rights;

REITERATING the commitment of the Rabat Process partners to the effective implementation of the
Valletta Joint Action Plan (JVAP);

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the mandate given to the Rabat and Khartoum Processes to monitor the
JVAP, as well as the mapping exercise already conducted, to ensure its follow-up, and COMMENDING
the efforts made to implement the technical instrument for the long-term monitoring of the JVAP;

RECALLING the commitments made by the Rabat Process partners at the Ministerial Conferences in
2006, 2008, 2011 and 2014, and the principles contained in the 2011 Dakar Declaration (an
operational and coherent dialogue, a flexible and balanced approach, committed partners and shared

RECOGNISING the progress achieved within the framework of the different plans and strategies of
the Rabat Process and taking into account the lessons learnt from the analyses carried out at the end
of the Rome Programme 2014-2017;

NOTING the value of the technical expertise and experience of external observers such as
international organisations working in the field of migration and asylum, civil society actors,
members of the diaspora and academic representatives, in enriching and operationalising the
dialogue; CALLING for the strengthening of cooperation with the latter through increased

CONSCIOUS of the driving force of the Rabat Process in identifying common political priorities for
migration and asylum issues between Africa and Europe, and its contribution to the formulation and
implementation of migration strategies;

ENDEAVOURING to ensure coherence with the implementation instruments which have emerged
since 2014 and which redefine the partnership framework, AVOIDING duplication of actions being
undertaken in this respect and ENSURING complementarity of interventions;

ADOPT the Marrakesh Programme for 2018-2020, which comprises the present Political Declaration
as well as the targeted, operational Action Plan, and which is based on a regional approach whilst
also respecting state sovereignty;

AGREE to align the said Programme with the five domains of the JVAP in order to maintain
coherence and complementarity with it:

Domain 1: Development benefits of migration and addressing root causes of irregular
migration and forced displacement;
Domain 2: Legal migration and mobility;
Domain 3: Protection and asylum;
Domain 4: Prevention of and fight against irregular migration, migrant smuggling and
trafficking in human beings;
Domain 5: Return, readmission and reintegration;

AGREE equally to effectively implement, in a balanced way, the Action Plan which is thus adopted by
incorporating the following cross-cutting priorities:

1. A human rights-based approach: the implemented actions will contribute to fully respecting
the human rights and dignity of refugees and migrants, irrespective of their migration status;

2. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of gender and the protection of migrants in
vulnerable situations including, in particular, women and children;

3. Increased attention to the fight against xenophobia, racism and discrimination: the
partners will undertake efforts to combat these phenomena, and to promote a balanced
narrative on migration and diasporas, based on facts and highlighting their positive
contribution to the development of societies in countries of origin, transit and destination;

4. A regional approach: the identification, formulation and execution of actions will take into
account local and regional specificities.

5. An inclusive and multi-stakeholder approach: in their interventions, the partners will seek to
involve all the actors under the coordination of the national authorities (regional
organisations, local authorities, traditional and customary authorities, representatives of civil
society and migrant and refugee communities, social partners, the private sector, the media
and academia) as well as relevant International Organisations, to ensure coordinated and
orderly management of all dimensions of the migratory phenomenon.

6. Particular attention to the collection, analysis and sharing of disaggregated data: among
the activities envisaged, the partners will endeavour to identify existing initiatives and
studies, to share migration data and will undertake, if necessary, specific studies for
operational purposes at national or regional levels. The data and information obtained will
feed into and contribute to migration policy-making processes;

DECIDE to target concrete actions which reflect the specific added value of the Rabat Process. This
resides, notably, in its ability to build networks of technical and political actors, to formulate actions
which take regional specificities into account, and to centralise information gathered as a result of
their implementation, whilst at the same time respecting geographical balance at all levels;

AGREE to specify the modalities for the implementation of the targeted actions and to use the
relevant mechanisms and tools to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Marrakesh
Programme for 2018-2020 on a periodic basis in order to improve its scope and impact.

Marrakesh Action Plan 2018-2020

Domain 1: Development benefits of migration and addressing root causes of irregular migration
and the phenomenon of displaced persons

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims, in its Goal 10.7, to “Facilitate orderly, safe,
regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of
planned and well-managed migration policies”.

Since its inception, the Rabat Process has consistently promoted the positive potential of regular
migration and the key role of the diaspora for countries of origin, transit and destination. The
strengthening of synergies between migration and development constitutes a priority domain and a
specific feature of the Rabat Process. The dialogue partners agree to pursue this path and will focus
most of their actions on maximising the benefits of regular migration for development, including, as a
priority, members of the diaspora in this process.

The Rabat Process partners recognise the multiple root causes of irregular migration and forced
displacement. These root causes, most of which are interconnected, need to be increasingly
addressed through a wide range of appropriate responses both at policy and operational levels.
Taking into account the mixed nature of migration flows, the partners reiterate the commitments
made in the Valletta framework to invest in development and the eradication of poverty, to fight the
root causes of irregular migration, to support humanitarian aid and development assistance in the
countries most affected by the phenomenon of displaced persons, and to address environmental and
climate change issues in the most affected regions.

Objective 1: Maximising the positive impact of regular migration for development

Action 1: Identify and share good practices that enable countries to gain better knowledge of the
profiles of their diasporas and to adopt or to optimise strategies that promote their economic, social
and cultural potential for development, whilst also analysing the potential obstacles to the adoption
and optimisation of these good practices.

Action 2: Contribute to reducing the costs of remittances and to facilitating remittances sent by
migrants to their countries of origin, in particular by supporting innovative or existing initiatives using
the potential offered by digitalisation. The partners might refer, for example, to the work carried out
by the African Institute for Remittances and its network of focal points.

Action 3: Promote initiatives that support entrepreneurship and productive investment among young
people from the African Diaspora (such as the flagship MEETAfrica programme, developed within the
framework of the Rabat Process), and encourage these young people to use their skills for the
benefit of their countries of origin.

Objective 2: Achieve a common understanding of the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement in the Rabat Process region

Action 4: Analyse the root causes and make practical recommendations (particularly through the
organisation of thematic meetings on this subject) with a view to improving the incorporation of
these issues into policy development.

Action 5: Promote a more systematic inclusion of issues related to the root causes of irregular
migration and forced displacement into socio-economic development strategies and programmes at
national level, and into development cooperation programmes, whilst also promoting ownership of
existing regional normative frameworks.

Domain 2: Legal migration and mobility

Taking note of the above-mentioned Goal 10.7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the
Rabat Process partners recognise the need to encourage and to strengthen the pathways to regular
migration, based on efficient civil registration systems, and to promote the mobility of certain
categories of travellers (in particular, businessmen and businesswomen, young professionals or
researchers) between European and North, West and Central African countries.

Objective 3: Promote regular migration and mobility, especially of young people and women, between Europe and North, West and Central Africa, and within these regions

Action 6: Encourage the establishment of exchange networks between vocational training institutes
and employment agencies in Europe and Africa, in order to draw full benefit from the skills of young
migrants and to adapt technical training to the needs of the labour market. Particular attention will
be paid to activities targeting women and youth.

Action 7: In accordance with the national legislative frameworks, promote projects which aim to
strengthen the portability of the rights and social protection of regular migrants and their families,
for example, through the conclusion and the implementation of appropriate bilateral, regional or
international conventions.

Action 8: Identify good practices and success factors which can guide relevant policy development
and support inter- and intra-regional mobility, in particular through the analysis of existing studies on
circular migration, particularly at regional level.

Objective 4: Encourage facilitation of visa issuing procedures

Action 9: In a spirit of partnership, pursue an open dialogue regarding visa facilitation, in particular
through meetings and technical training sessions.

Action 10: Support actions designed to improve the accessibility, efficiency and transparency of the
various national systems for visa issuance, including support for the creation of local information
structures or the establishment of online information portals.

Domain 3: Protection and asylum

Rabat Process partners reiterate their international commitments in the field of protection and
asylum, including those contained in the Valletta Political Declaration, and in particular those aimed
at providing protection “to all those entitled to it in accordance with international and regional
instruments”. They reaffirm their respect for the dignity of refugees and other forcibly displaced
persons, and for the protection of their human rights, irrespective of status. The partners encourage
countries in their efforts to sign up to and implement existing international conventions on
protection, including the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967
Protocol. They also encourage capacity building of national institutions with regards to asylum

Objective 5: Promote measures aiming to strengthen the protection of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons

Action 11: Identify existing cross-border and regional protection initiatives in one of the sub-regions
of the dialogue, and propose actions to stakeholders aimed at improving the protection of refugees
and forcibly displaced persons. Particular attention will be paid to take into account the most
vulnerable people, the best interests of children and the needs of unaccompanied minors.

Action 12: Promote the adoption of local, national and regional action plans aimed at defining
procedures for an effective response, especially in the event of massive displacements of people.

Objective 6: Promote the integration of refugees and forcibly displaced persons into host communities

Action 13: Promote the integration of refugees and forcibly displaced persons through the
establishment of awareness-raising campaigns aimed, on the one hand, at local communities and on
the other hand, at refugees and asylum seekers, covering their rights and obligations in host

Action 14: Share experiences and good practices which promote access to work and which allow
people benefitting from international protection to become more self-reliant.

Domain 4: Prevention of and fight against irregular migration, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings

The Rabat Process partners reiterate their commitment to international obligations relating to the
prevention and fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, which are two
serious forms of organised crime under international law (the 2000 United Nations Convention
against Transnational Organized Crime and the additional United Nations protocols against the
Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air and Sea, and aimed to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in
Persons, especially Women and Children).

In accordance with the Valletta Political Declaration, the partners encourage the stepping-up of
efforts to prevent and combat these phenomena, both in Europe and Africa, through various
instruments. Within this framework, the search for alternatives to the informal economy stemming
from the illicit smuggling of migrants and the trafficking of human beings, as well as awarenessraising measures, are particularly encouraged.

The partners recognise the contribution of regional and international organisations and civil society
organisations in this domain. The added value of the Rabat Process lies, inter alia, in its ability to
connect the actors concerned by these two phenomena, in order to promote mutual learning and to
improve cooperation.

Objective 7: Build the capacities of public institutions with competency in the areas of integrated border management, and the prevention and fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings

Action 15: Improve the detection capabilities of national authorities with regard to smuggling of
migrants and persons in need of international protection, trafficking in human beings, as well as in
the area of integrated border management and control.

Action 16: Strengthen judicial and police cooperation at bilateral, inter- and intra-regional and
international levels regarding the exchange of information, paying particular attention to financial

Action 17: Continue and accompany efforts designed to develop and to implement appropriate
legislative and institutional frameworks at both national and regional levels, in accordance with the
2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the relevant additional
Protocols against the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings.

Objective 8: Improve the protection of migrants and persons in need of international protection who have been smuggled, and victims of trafficking in human beings

Action 18: Facilitate the sharing of good practices in relation to awareness-raising and information on
the risks of irregular migration and trafficking in human beings, targeting, in particular, children and
women, and involving all stakeholders (the State, the diaspora, the media, social networks, civil
society, international organisations and the private sector).

Action 19: Formulate concrete responses regarding the protection and assistance of people affected
by smuggling and victims of trafficking in human beings, particular women and girls (reception
structures, legal advice, social, psychosocial and health services, interpretation, reintegration, etc.)
and promote their inclusion into national, regional and sub regional initiatives and policies.

Domain 5: Return, readmission and reintegration

The Rabat Process partners reiterate their adherence to obligations under international law in the
area of return and readmission and recall the importance of sustainable reintegration. They reiterate
their support for the principle of non-refoulement and agree to give preference to voluntary return.
They recall that policies in the area of return and readmission are the shared responsibility of States,
and that they should be efficient, transparent and carried with full respect for the human rights,
security and dignity of migrants.

The partners of the Rabat Process applaud the joint progress achieved through the political dialogues
which have been initiated in this domain. It is important that these efforts are pursued and that this
dialogue is translated into action, leading to strengthened cooperation and more efficient return and

Objective 9: Strengthen the capacities of the competent authorities in order to improve and ensure the identification processes and the issuing of travel documents.

Action 20: Exchange best practices related to return, readmission and reintegration at national,
regional and cross-border levels (in particular through regional consultations).

Action 21: Promote the use of innovative identification techniques. The thematic meeting on return,
readmission and reintegration organised in Brussels in 2016 proposed, among other things, the use
of videoconferencing for identification or pre-identification, more systematic use of fingerprints, or
recourse to joint actions for complex cases. Depending on the needs, provide support (technical
assistance, peer support or training) to a specific group of countries in order to help them put these
techniques in place.

Objective 10: Encourage programmes that ensure the safe return and sustainable reintegration of migrants, in full respect of their rights and dignity

Action 22: Organise peer-to-peer meetings between European and African cities, and with other
competent authorities, to enable mutual learning in migration management, including sustainable
return, building on existing networks (such as the City-to-City initiative) and capitalising upon their

Action 23: Strengthen assisted return programmes and promote actions aimed at accompanying and
including all returned migrants in development policies and programmes at local level.



